Viral26 septiembre 2024 00:32

The Amazing Shield That Makes You Virtually Invisible

Invisibility Shield Co. has created a panel that deflects light and makes people appear invisible

A London company, Invisibility Shield Co., has developed a panel that can make you appear invisible as you walk behind it, creating an optical illusion that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Inspired by superheroes and the fantasy of many, this shield reflects the surrounding landscape, while deflecting light from the subject behind it, making it appear to disappear before the eyes of others.

The technology behind this shield is relatively simple but effective: a set of lenses specifically designed to deflect light at precise angles, making the person's silhouette dissolve and blend into the surroundings. This effect works best with uniform backgrounds, such as natural areas or flat surfaces with well-defined lines.

The creation process was long, as the developers spent two years experimenting with different materials and designs until they came up with a functional, lightweight and easy-to-assemble product.

It does not require electrical power to use, and can be transported and assembled in about ten minutes. It is also recyclable, which also makes it a sustainable option.

Although it may seem like the perfect invention for mischief, Invisibility Shield Co. warns that its creation is primarily designed for entertainment and should not be considered a security or personal protection tool. Despite this, the expectation generated is enormous.