Health04 mayo 2023 17:50

He burped a lot, the nurse decided to go to the doctor for this symptom and his diagnosis was devastating

Find out the reasons for recurring burping and take advice

Bailey McBreen, a young nurse from Florida, has shared her story on social media after discovering that her excessive burping and other symptoms were a warning sign of life-threatening cancer. Despite leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly, Bailey began experiencing belching up to 10 times a day, which progressed to acid reflux and excruciating stomach cramps. After several examinations, she was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, which came as a great shock to her and her family. A CT scan revealed that she had a tumor that was obstructing her large intestine and causing her symptoms.

Bailey underwent emergency surgery to remove the tumor, followed by chemotherapy that will continue until August. The young nurse has shared her experience to raise awareness about the importance of paying attention to your body's symptoms and seeking medical attention when something doesn't seem normal. "The entire journey has been a roller coaster of emotions. My diagnosis has impacted my life in every possible way you can imagine," Bailey said.

Causes of recurring burping

Recurring belching can have various causes, some of a certain severity. Although it is an eminently digestive issue, it can also be related to psychosomatic disorders. Stress can be a big driver of belching in different ways. In addition, food intolerances, such as lactose and gluten intolerance, can cause reactions in the stomach that produce gas and increase the frequency of belching.

In a more serious order, hiatal hernia and cardiac incompetence can be the cause of belching. In both problems, the solution lies in a consistent diet and avoiding certain postures when sitting and sleeping. An infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori may also be the cause of extemporaneous belching, not related to digestion.

Finally, pancreatic insufficiency can lead to diabetes and chronic poor digestion, generating gases that can be smelly and give rise to fetid belches. In the event of a sustained increase in the amount of belching, it is recommended to see a specialist to rule out any serious pathology.