Health26 mayo 2023 02:17

Alert about the danger of another pandemic and an even more deadly pathogen, according to the WHO

The WHO explained that it will be inevitable that other future pandemics will emerge and all countries must be prepared

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an urgent warning about the risk of a future pandemic and the possibility of facing a pathogen with an even higher lethality than COVID-19. The director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has called on all countries to be prepared and has proposed the approval of a treaty against pandemics to avoid the devastating effects suffered during the current crisis.

Tedros explained that future pandemics, even with more serious consequences, are inevitable, so all countries must be prepared to protect their citizens. These statements come after the WHO declared the end of the global health emergency caused by SARS-CoV-2, responsible for more than 20 million deaths according to estimates.

The WHO director warned that although COVID-19 is no longer considered an international emergency, it still poses a threat to public health. There is a risk that new variants of the virus will emerge, triggering new waves of infections and deaths. Furthermore, Tedros pointed to the possibility of another pathogen with even more deadly potential emerging in the future.

During the 76th World Health Assembly, Tedros presented a report on the actions taken by the WHO and stressed that pandemics are not the only danger that we face as humanity, so it is crucial to remain alert to any eventuality.

"When the next pandemic knocks on our door, which it will, we must be prepared to respond decisively, collectively and equitably," Tedros stressed.

WHO stresses the importance of strengthening health systems, improving epidemiological surveillance, promoting scientific research and ensuring international cooperation to deal with future health emergencies effectively and prevent loss of life and system collapse of medical care.