World10 abril 2023 02:30

Nine members of a family die from a fermented noodle soup

3 minors survived who decided not to eat the soup because of its strange taste

A family in Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, China suffered a tragedy after consuming a traditional noodle soup called Suantangzi.

Nine family members died after consuming the soup, which contained fermented rice or corn noodles that had been frozen for more than a year.

These noodles contained a respiratory toxin known as bongkrek acid, which caused severe poisoning in the family, ultimately leading to the death of all nine members.

According to authorities, bongkrek acid is lethal and can cause severe damage to multiple organs, including the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain.

Currently, there is no specific antidote for this toxin. It is reported that three minors were saved from poisoning, since they noticed the strange taste of the soup and did not consume it.

In other parts of the world, such as Indonesia, cases of poisoning and death due to bongkrek acid have been reported. Every year there are 288 poisonings and 34 deaths attributed to this toxin in the country.

The Chinese authorities call on the population to exercise caution when consuming fermented foods and to check their expiration date.