Judicial30 julio 2024 23:56

Man sets fire to ex-partner's shoe store in Aguachica

In Aguachica, a man set fire to his ex-partner's shoe store in an act of revenge. The attacker was arrested by authorities

In Aguachica, Colombia, a man unable to accept the end of his relationship with his ex-partner set fire to the victim's shoe store. The commercial establishment called 'La Casa del Calzado', located in the San José neighborhood of Aguachica, was attacked around 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 30, as recorded by security cameras.

In the images, the subject can be seen getting off a motorcycle and heading to the place located in San Antonio Park, where there are more than 54 informal vendors. He then sprays a flammable liquid and sets the store on fire.

Jeinys Zuley Lázaro Ropero, the owner of the store and the aggressor's ex-partner, informed the authorities that she had had an argument with the man, who in an act of rage started the fire. Thanks to the community's quick reaction, the fire was extinguished with fire extinguishers, although significant material damage was caused, including the loss of merchandise.

The police intervention was quick thanks to security cameras and eyewitness testimonies. The man, identified as Carlos Miguel Reyes Díaz, visibly upset, acted motivated by the inability to overcome the breakup with his ex-partner.

Days before, the same man had tried to burn Jeinys' motorcycle near her home. Witnesses also recorded him committing this crime. In one of the videos, the aggressor threatens a friend of his ex-partner, saying: "Tell him I'm coming for the business, I'm going to set his business on fire."

Aguachica Police Commander Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Perez reported that Reyes Diaz was arrested and faces charges of attempted arson and property damage. Perez confirmed that no injuries were reported.

Carlos Miguel Reyes Diaz, who has been separated from Jeinys for some time, continues to be unable to accept the end of the relationship and has come to her home and business on several occasions to argue. The man, who suffers from a condition that makes him more insensitive to the consequences of his actions, has shown himself capable of doing everything possible to ensure that his ex-partner is not happy if he is not.

On social media, comments express concern for the victim's safety. Many users demand stronger charges, such as terrorism or attempted murder, to prevent the aggressor from going free, fearing that the authorities could be complicit in a femicide if they release him. Currently, Reyes Diaz is in police custody at the Aguachica URI.

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