Judicial31 mayo 2024 05:26

Two young people record their fatal accident on video in the early morning

Two 19-year-old women lost their lives in a tragic traffic accident in Quindío. The accident was recorded by the victims themselves

In the early hours of this Sunday, May 26, two 19-year-old young people died in a tragic traffic accident on the road that connects the town of Pueblo Tapao with the municipality of Montenegro, in the department of Quindío, in Colombia. The victims, identified as Katherine Yulieth Cubillos Cárdenas and Selena Valentina Valencia Ramírez, were traveling on a black AKT NKD motorcycle with a TRM-86F license plate.

According to the first reports, the driver of the motorcycle, Katherine Cubillos, lost control of the vehicle, which resulted in a violent collision against a tree on the side of the road.

Days after the accident, two videos of what happened came to light, one recorded by the victims themselves, documenting the fatal outcome. In the video recorded by Selena Valencia, the griller, you can see the young women driving without helmets on the road at 1 am on Sunday.

During the filming, both young women smile and shout euphorically, enjoying the motorcycle ride. At one point, in the middle of the darkness, Katherine loses control of the motorcycle and crashes heavily into a tree. The video cuts abruptly at the moment of impact.

A second video, recorded by witnesses to the accident, shows Selena Valencia already dead on the spot, while Katherine Cubillos was still alive. Those present tried to quickly call an ambulance.

However, it was the Pueblo Tapao firefighters who responded to the call, but unfortunately, the two young women had already died at the scene.

Traffic units arrived at the scene of the accident to carry out a topographical survey of the accident, while judicial units carried out the respective technical inspection of the bodies and their subsequent transfer to the Calarcá morgue.

This tragic event adds to a dark week for Quindío, with a total of five traffic-related deaths, including another road accident on Saturday on the Armenia – Montenegro highway.

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