Judicial02 mayo 2023 14:18

Bandit stole a bag with great loot in a renowned restaurant

It happened in Floridablanca, apparently the bandit knew the amount of money that was in that bag

In a violent event recorded in a well-known salsa restaurant in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area, an armed criminal entered the establishment and sowed terror among those present during a robbery.

The security cameras recorded the moment when the man, dressed in a cap, jeans, polo shirt, and face mask, approached customers and employees with a revolver in hand.

While he pointed his gun, the assailant threatened those present with phrases such as "Throw away the bag that killed you, throw away the bag that killed you", demanding that they hand over their belongings. One of the customers delivered his bag, which apparently contained a large loot.

After obtaining the loot, the offender ran away from the place, while some people tried to chase him and others asked for the help of the Police.

Although the exact value of what was stolen is unknown, the salsamentaria was the victim of a violent robbery that caused moments of panic and anguish among those present. The authorities are investigating the case.