Viral11 septiembre 2024 23:13

Luisito Comunica detained in Santo Domingo for recording in the subway without permission

Luisito Comunica, the Mexican YouTuber, was detained in the subway. Local authorities explained that he did not have the required permits

The popular Mexican YouTuber Luisito Comunica, known for being one of the Spanish content creators with the most followers on YouTube, was briefly detained by the security personnel of the Santo Domingo subway last Tuesday, September 10.

The incident occurred while the influencer, whose real name is Luis Arturo Villar Sudek, was recording with some companions in the subway facilities without the corresponding authorization, as confirmed by the authorities this Wednesday.

According to a statement issued by the Office for the Reorganization of Transportation (Opret), Luisito Comunica did not have the necessary permits to make recordings within the facilities of the transportation system, something required by security regulations.

Upon noticing the activity they were carrying out, the "influencers" were approached by the staff of the Specialized Body for Metro Security (Cesmet), who proceeded to verify the situation and momentarily detain the group to clarify the incident.

Through a video published by the Dominican José Castillo, the Mexican youtuber shared his experience, assuring that "everything is fine", although he mentioned that the situation escalated to an unexpected level. Despite the incident, Luisito indicated that there were no major complications and that they managed to resolve the situation without serious problems.

The event has generated various reactions on social networks, with some users defending the influencer and others pointing out the importance of respecting local regulations. Meanwhile, the authorities of the Santo Domingo metro reaffirmed their commitment to the security of their facilities and recalled the importance of having the appropriate permits to make recordings in their spaces.