Viral04 septiembre 2024 21:51

Jony Beltrán sets off alarm with fake cardiac emergency live

The viral scare was clarified hours later as a joke by Mexican rapper Jony Beltrán

On September 2, Mexican rapper Jony Beltrán caused enormous concern among his followers by faking a cardiac arrest during a live show, an event that quickly went viral on social networks. The moment occurred while the artist was broadcasting live, sitting next to a colleague on an armchair. Suddenly, he closed his eyes and collapsed backwards, apparently unconscious, which made many think that he was suffering a serious medical emergency.

The video of the alleged collapse was quickly shared on platforms such as X (formerly Twitter), where the clip accumulated thousands of views in a few hours. The news of his apparent serious condition generated a wave of messages of support, speculation about the cause of the problem, and even some comments that related the situation to the rapper's overweight or alcohol consumption.

Fans and media began to spread information about his possible transfer to a medical center, with some users publishing condolences, believing that the situation was real.

However, the confusion did not last long. Hours later, an account on X, known for clarifying viral trends, denied the seriousness of the situation and revealed that it had all been a joke made by Jony Beltrán himself.

The rapper retweeted the video on his official account, confirming that it had all been a performance intended to generate reactions in his audience.

The fact, although it caused fear initially, was quickly recognized as one of the many viral jokes that circulate on social networks, making it clear that Jony Beltrán was in perfect health.