Health05 mayo 2023 14:24

It's official: End of the COVID-19 pandemic

The director general of the WHO warned that although the international emergency has ended, the danger still persists

The World Health Organization (WHO) has ended more than three years of international emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The decision is due to the decrease in serious cases and deaths worldwide. According to the WHO, in the last week of April there were 630,000 cases of coronavirus and 3,500 deaths.

The pandemic has killed at least 20 million people and affected more than 765 million people worldwide.

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that even though the international emergency has ended, the danger still remains and a state of emergency may be restored if the situation changes.

He also stressed that countries must not let down their guard and must maintain the systems built to combat the pandemic.

Vaccination, which has been an impressive scientific feat, has exposed huge inequalities and greed, as rich countries hoarded the shots while poorer countries struggled to get them.

The pandemic has also exposed the staggering inequality in access to healthcare and services around the world.