Health17 mayo 2023 14:10

Floridablanca medical complex in Colombia wins prestigious award in Europe for its excellence

The FCV is awarded in Europe for its excellence in medical care for patients with acute myocardial infarction

Bucaramanga, May 2023 - The Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation (FCV) has obtained a prestigious health award in Europe for its outstanding work in the field of value-based medicine. The Value-Based Medicine (VBHC Value-Based HealthCare) award recognizes the most innovative institutions and projects in the health sector worldwide, and the FCV has stood out as the only Spanish-speaking hospital to be part of the winners.

FCV received the award in the Cost-Effectiveness category due to the excellent results obtained in the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction. The European Center for Value-Based Medicine evaluated 115 proposals from 27 countries, and highlighted the FCV for its remarkable hospital mortality rate of 3.95% in patients with this condition, exceeding international standards by four points.

The concept of value-based medicine, coined by Professor Michael Porter of Harvard University, seeks to provide the highest quality of care to patients at costs that fit health systems and continuously measure results. This approach allows hospitals to be efficient in care and guarantee the sustainability of the system.

The FCV Acute Myocardial Infarction Center of Excellence has achieved outstanding results in the last two years, providing quality care to patients with this condition. During this period, 1,345 medical discharges were registered, with 575 in 2021 and 770 in 2022. In addition to positive clinical results, the clinic has demonstrated optimal resource management, especially in Prospective Global Payment (PGP) contracts.

Compared to the fee-for-service model, where hospitals bill insurers for each procedure performed, PGPs involve a group rather than an individual agreement. Through PGPs, health service providers can agree on a payment for a determined number of patients, promoting prevention and efficient use of resources.

Treatments for patients with acute myocardial infarction under the PGP model were 9.35% cheaper compared to other models. Additionally, the readmission rate within 30 days of discharge was 28% lower in this group of patients. These positive results add to the satisfaction of patients with the care received, supporting the quality of the services provided by the FCV.

The FCV Center of Excellence in Acute Myocardial Infarction has a multidisciplinary team made up of general practitioners, internists, cardiovascular surgeons, cardiologists, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, social workers, and cardiac rehabilitators. These professionals work together to offer the best care to patients, achieving results comparable to those of the best medical centers in the world.

The FCV has been recognized for its excellence in medical care by the Joint Commission International, an American entity in charge of accrediting the quality of health services throughout the world. In 2021, it received nine centers of excellence, including the Acute Myocardial Infarction Center of Excellence.

With this prestigious award in Europe, the FCV continues to consolidate itself as a benchmark in quality medical care, demonstrating its commitment to the health of the Spanish-speaking community and its ability to provide outstanding results in the field of value-based medicine.

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