85-year-old veteran unleashes chaos at bar after accidental fall
An 85-year-old Military Brigade veteran fires seven shots at his friends in a bar in Espumoso, Brazil
In Espumoso, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, last Wednesday (June 5), a scene worthy of a tragicomedy occurred when an 85-year-old veteran of the Military Brigade carried out an unusual event in a local bar. The old man, retired for 36 years, unleashed chaos by shooting his friends seven times after an unfortunate fall and an even more unfortunate lack of help.
The incident began when the veteran, who was at the entrance to the bar, tripped and fell face down, apparently unconscious. Despite the obvious need for help, his friends, also elderly, simply watched. In the security recordings, you can see an old man with a cap remaining impassive and another bald old man who, after seeing his friend on the floor, continued pouring himself a drink without flinching.
When the veteran regained consciousness and realized that none of his companions had made the slightest effort to help him, his disappointment and anger overflowed. Sensing the betrayal of his friends, he pulled out his pistol and began shooting, first at the bald old man, who miraculously was not hit and sought refuge by crawling into the bar.
Incredibly, the old man in the cap did not even react to the imminent danger, remaining static until, after about 10 seconds, he finally sought refuge under a pool table. The situation seemed to calm down momentarily, but when the old man in the cap tried to approach the veteran to talk, he responded with more shots, forcing him to also crawl into the bar.
The veteran also shot at a young man who was in the display case, without being able to hit him. It is not known if the years took a toll on his aim or if, deep down, he did not really want to hurt his friends, despite his anger. Fortunately, there were no injuries.
The civil police arrived at the scene after receiving the report of the shooting and found the veteran still on the ground, handing over his weapon. The man was arrested and taken to the Carazinho Barracks, where he must answer charges of attempted murder. Authorities have not released the identity of the veteran.
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