World11 julio 2024 21:36

Neighbor murders elderly adult after repeated arguments

A 63-year-old man was beaten to death in the Lourdes neighborhood, Uberaba. The suspect has been arrested after trying to flee

The tranquility of the Lourdes neighborhood, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was interrupted after a crime that occurred on Sunday, July 7. A 63-year-old man was beaten to death with stones and sticks. The aggressor, a 24-year-old young man known as "Dentinho", has been arrested by the Military Police (PM).

According to the police report, a team from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) was called to assist a victim who had multiple head injuries and profuse bleeding. Despite the efforts of paramedics and neighbors who tried to help the elderly man, he suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and died at the scene.

Witnesses described the attacker, "Dentinho", as a man of medium height, wearing blue shorts and a blue shirt with the number 10 on the back. After the attack, the suspect fled towards Padre Eddie Bernardes Avenue.

The police began a search and located the individual running along Topázio Street. Ignoring orders to stop, it was necessary to use an electric impulse gun to capture him. He was subsequently handcuffed and arrested.

During the interrogation, the suspect confessed that the victim and his person had previously argued, and the day before the event they also exchanged insults, which motivated the crime. The clothing described by witnesses matched that recorded by nearby security cameras.

The suspect was transferred to the Mirante Emergency Care Unit to remove the darts from the electrical impulse emission gun and prepare the medical report.

Subsequently, he was taken to the police station where he will be formally charged with completed murder. The recordings from the security cameras will be delivered to the Civil Police to assist in ongoing investigations.

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