World29 junio 2024 00:45

Tragic accident: Girl dies and her sister survives

A 5-year-old girl dies and her 7-year-old sister is injured after being run over by a passenger truck in San Luis Potosí

A tragic accident occurred in the Rancho Viejo neighborhood, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, on Monday, June 24, when a public transportation unit ran over two minors.

The event, captured by a security camera, shows how an adult woman and two girls tried to cross 71st Street in the rain, without realizing that the traffic light had changed to green.

In the images you can see how the woman, accompanied by two girls aged 5 and 7, ventures to cross the avenue. Although the woman managed to avoid the truck, the two girls were not as lucky and were hit by the vehicle.

The video shows the woman's desperation when she saw the minors lying on the wet asphalt. Sadly, the 5-year-old girl died at the scene, while her 7-year-old sister was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.

The authorities, led by the state Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), confirmed the arrest of the truck driver, identified as José Martín “N”, 35 years old. However, the driver was released after 48 hours as he could not conclusively attribute blame for the accident.

The decision to release the driver has generated various reactions among the community and the authorities. While some argue that the video suggests recklessness on the part of the adult woman, many are outraged and hope that the Prosecutor's Office maintains its commitment to truth and transparency during the investigation process.

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