World16 julio 2024 23:55

Family tragedy: Military Police murdered by his younger brother

A military police officer was murdered by his younger brother, after a family conflict in Urvaçu, Goiás

A brother-to-brother council turned into a deadly conflict that resulted in the death of military police officer Tiago White Rodrigues de Araújo, 33, at the hands of his younger brother, Alexandre White Rodrigues de Araújo, 24, last Thursday. July 11 in Urvaçu, Goiás, Brazil. According to the case delegate, Sandro Costa, the trigger for the altercation was a comment about Alexandre's love life made by Tiago during a family celebration.

Tiago, who was celebrating his 34th birthday and his permanent approval in the Military Police, commented on his younger brother's romantic relationship with his current partner. This comment, made during a family barbecue, sparked an angry reaction from Alexandre, who criticized the "family pattern" of his military brother Tiago.

Influenced by alcohol, Alexandre expressed loudly and close to Tiago's wife that he had another family outside of marriage. This comment angered Tiago, who physically attacked Alexandre, leaving him almost unconscious after several blows.

The aggression between the brothers was interrupted by family members present, who managed to stop Tiago's attack.

Recovered from the beating, Alexandre went to his brother Tiago's room, took his police weapon and, without saying a word, shot his brother twice, wounding him in the hand and abdomen. The second shot, which hit Tiago's back, was fatal.

Tiago fell into the pool after being shot and was rescued by family members. Despite being taken to the hospital, he died on the way. Alexandre was arrested while trying to surrender at the local police station.

Despite the tragic incident, witnesses and family members stated that Tiago and Alexandre maintained a good relationship and worked together in a family pizzeria in Urvaçu. There was no history of serious conflict between them, and Alexandre even had an almost paternal respect for Tiago.

Tiago was assigned to the 18th Regional Command of the Military Police of Goiás and was recognized as a good soldier by his colleagues in the 7th Independent Specialized Police Company (CPE) of Urvaçu.

Alexandre, after being somewhat sober and calm, understood that he had murdered his own blood brother, surrendered to the police station, confessed to the crime in a state of shock and expressed his regret, declaring that he acted impulsively after being attacked by her brother. he.

Delegate Sandro Costa rejected the thesis of futile motive, arguing that the initial attack against Alexandre was extremely excessive.

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