World08 julio 2024 21:09

Uncle Fulfills Lifelong Dream: Swims Holding Onto a Shark's Fin

A 7-year-old's Instagram post showing her uncle with a shark has sparked controversy and debate among users.

Australia. Young Maggie Banton has ignited a social media storm by sharing a video on her Instagram account showing her uncle, Tridda, swimming and holding onto a shark by its dorsal fin. The video, which quickly went viral, has garnered over 22,000 likes and more than 800 comments, sparking intense discussion among users.

"Does anyone else have an absolutely crazy uncle? Well... I bet he's not as crazy as mine! The other day, my uncle Tridda thought it would be a good idea to fulfill his lifelong dream of swimming with a shark while holding onto its fin and being pulled along," Maggie narrated in the video description.

In the post, Maggie goes on to describe her uncle as "a cat with nine lives," mentioning that this is just one of many reckless stunts he's pulled off, but he always manages to come out unscathed.

Such encounters with sharks should not be taken lightly. Charlie Sarria, a shark expert, reminded viewers on a local program of the importance of sharks in the marine ecosystem, as they regulate the food chain from the middle and upper sections.

Sarria noted that the case of the shark sighted in Zarautz is "isolated" and emphasized that it is a species harmless to humans, feeding mainly on plankton and small fish.

Contrary to popular belief fueled by movies, sharks are not human-eaters; such incidents are very rare. Experts urge people to respect sharks and avoid provoking them, as seen in the viral video.