John A. SalasPor: John A. Salas
World26 marzo 2024 23:32

Young man attacked his ex-partner's current boyfriend with a knife

The dispute, caused by a love breakup, left multiple people injured although none in danger of death

A dispute broke out inside a hospital in Vacaria, in the Serra do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on Saturday night, involving at least three people.

According to police sources, the injured are under medical care, but are expected to make a full recovery. In addition, the authorities have arrested a young man in connection with the incident.

The confrontation broke out when a shirtless young man attacked his girlfriend's ex-partner. According to delegate Carlos Alberto Defaveri, one of those involved in the fight received 17 blows with scissors. The young man in the red cap managed to snatch the scissors from a lifeguard and responded with multiple cuts to the current boyfriend of his ex-partner.

The Nossa Senhora da Oliveira Hospital, where the events occurred, reported that the confrontation began in the waiting room of the emergency reception. The institution is cooperating fully with authorities in the investigation of the altercation.

The authorities indicate that the cause of the altercation was a love breakup, where the woman's previous boyfriend did not accept the end of the relationship. The case continues to be investigated to clarify all the details of this confusing conflict.

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