World07 febrero 2024 15:03

Unusual fight between two groups: Bottles, blows and destroyed cars

The confrontation has gone viral on social networks due to the bizarre way it was presented

Trenque Lauquen, Argentina - Last Friday, February 2, a neighborhood in Trenque Lauquen witnessed an unusual confrontation between two groups, leaving residents surprised by the way the confrontation was carried out, which included beatings, bottlenecks, vandalized vehicles and even horses.

The viralized images reveal a street fight that was surprising for its ferocity, although curiously, there were no arrests and complaints were crossed between both parties involved.

The incident took place near a local business, where one of the groups stocked up on bottles that they threw at their opponents, who, for their part, were defending themselves on a horse. The fight broke out on Los Manzanos Street in the El Ceibo neighborhood, after 8 p.m., after a heated discussion.

In the confrontation, one of the groups chose to attack with bottles and fist blows, provoking the other side to react with sticks and other means of defense. To a surprise, one of the participants mounted a horse and chased the opposing group, while another individual climbed into a parked truck and crashed it into his opponents' vehicle, further intensifying the confrontation.

This level of aggression included the attack on dogs and the horse used by one of those involved, while a group of women tried to calm the situation.

Minutes later, a police car went to the scene to verify the damage, evidencing the magnitude of the confrontation in the destruction of a red Citroen vehicle and the presence of remains of bottles on the road.

So far, the authorities are evaluating the cross-complaints presented by both parties, there are no arrests.