World21 agosto 2024 23:40

Man in Thailand survives terrifying python attack in bathroom

Like a nightmare, a man was attacked by a python snake while using the bathroom

An incredible event that occurred in Thailand last Tuesday, August 20, has left the world shocked. A 35-year-old man, identified as Thanat Thangtewanon, was bitten by a 3.6-meter-long python snake while using the toilet in his home.

Thanat said that, when he sat down on the toilet, he felt a sharp and excruciating pain. When he tried to find out what was happening, he was shocked to discover that a python snake had emerged from the toilet and bit him. In the midst of panic, he managed to defend himself using a toilet brush, with which he repeatedly hit the reptile's head until it released its grip and died.

The images of the bathroom, shared on social networks, show the intensity of the attack. Thanat, still in shock, immediately rushed to a hospital where he received medical treatment.

Fortunately, the bite was not deep enough to require stitches, but he did need to receive a tetanus shot.

This event has also highlighted a phenomenon that has been causing concern in Thailand: snake attacks in toilets. Thanat, who is now safe, expressed relief at discovering that the snake was not poisonous.

“If it had been a cobra, it would have killed me,” he said. Since the incident, Thanat has taken extreme precautionary measures, making sure to check the toilet before using it.

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