World09 julio 2024 15:24

In less than 24 hours: The bodies of 9 missing people are found in Mexico

In Guerrero, dismembered bodies were found in Acapulco and Chilpancingo. Authorities and relatives seek justice

Guerrero - Mexico. The Mexican state of Guerrero is once again facing an episode of extreme cruelty. In less than 24 hours, the dismembered bodies of nine people were located in Acapulco and Chilpancingo, one of which belongs to a woman.

Chronology of findings

On the night of Saturday, July 6, at 11:00 p.m., in Acapulco, the dismembered bodies of three young people were found inside black plastic bags. The remains were found in the trunk of an abandoned Nissan Tsuru taxi on José San Martín Street, behind the IMSS in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood.

On Sunday at 2:00 a.m., more human remains and a tarp with a message signed by an alleged criminal group were found in the Vicente Guerrero neighborhood, on the Mexico-Acapulco federal highway.

At 8:00 a.m., on Ruiz Cortínez Avenue, near the La Laja market, another Nissan Tsuru taxi was found with the limbs of a man in the trunk, and the corresponding torso was found in the Puerto Marqués roundabout.

Two hours later, on De Las Cruces Street in the Benito Juárez neighborhood, another Nissan Versa taxi was found with the mutilated remains of a man on the hood and trunk.

In Chilpancingo, at 2:30 a.m., dismembered bodies were located, but the only ones identified so far, two men and a woman, in black plastic bags at kilometer 286 of the Del Sol Highway, near the Palo toll booth. White. Two cards with intimidating messages addressed to alleged extortioners and land plunderers were found at the scene.

The three bodies identified

The dismembered bodies of the lawyer Azucena Valdez Bautista, her son-in-law Francisco Javier García Palma and the lawyer Javier Rivera Salmerón were identified at the Chilpancingo Forensic Medical Service.

Relatives and friends of Azucena Valdez and Francisco Javier García had blocked Álvarez Avenue in Chilpancingo on July 4, demanding their search and location. They affirmed that the victims were hard-working and good people, and they begged their potential captors for their release.

The State Attorney General's Office, led by Zipacná Jesús Torres Ojeda, was unable to rescue alive the victims who had remained captive for a week. Governor Evelyn Salgado and Chilpancingo Mayor Norma Otilia Hernández have not commented publicly on the case.

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