World20 junio 2024 19:34

Motorcycle accident leaves serious facial injuries

A young motorcyclist suffers serious facial injuries after crashing on a curve in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico

Villahermosa, Tabasco - Last Wednesday, June 19, a tragic accident occurred in the Casa Blanca neighborhood of Villahermosa, Tabasco, when a motorcyclist skidded and hit a curb on a dangerous curve. The injured party, identified as César Daniel de la Cruz Arias, a worker from Suburbia, suffered severe facial injuries.

The event, although it was not recorded at the exact moment of the accident, went viral thanks to a video recorded by a witness who, unfortunately, made fun of the situation while filming up close.

In the video you can see the black and red motorcycle in poor condition on the road, and a few meters away, the safety railing where César Daniel was left in a state of shock waiting for help.

Next to him, on the ground, was a white helmet, of which it is not known whether he was wearing it or simply had it on his arm at the moment of impact.

Neighbors and witnesses at the scene quickly alerted the authorities and emergency services, who transferred César Daniel to the nearest hospital.

Currently, he is in stable condition, but will require multiple facial reconstruction surgeries due to the severity of his injuries, including the loss of his left eye.

Local authorities are investigating the causes of the accident and have used the occasion to remind drivers of the importance of respecting speed limits, especially on dangerous curves.

In addition, they emphasize the need to keep tires in good condition and use helmets that offer complete protection.

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