Judicial26 julio 2023 01:23

Robbery victim rams two criminals with his truck, one dead and one seriously injured

The criminals had stolen a gold chain and cash, when trying to escape his victim ran over them

A shocking event occurred this Tuesday in a residential area of Ciudad Jardín, in the southeast of Cartagena, when a man became the protagonist of a daring act of bravery after being the victim of an armed robbery by two criminals on a motorcycle.

According to the driver's account, who identified himself as a merchant, the criminals violently approached him, carrying firearms, and stripped him of a gold chain and cash. However, rather than stand defenseless, he decided to take action.

After the robbery, instead of remaining passive, the man reacted decisively and began to chase the criminals in his truck for several minutes. In a daring turn of events, the driver managed to catch up with the assailants and, at an opportune moment, rammed his vehicle into them.

The impact was so forceful that one of the criminals, after several minutes of suffering, ended up dying on the asphalt, while the other was seriously injured. However, the chase did not end without consequences, since due to the high speed with which he rammed the criminals, he also ran over another motorcyclist who, fortunately, was unharmed, but leaving property damage in his path.

The driver of the truck could not avoid a second crash, this time against a taxi, which finally stopped its march. The scene was recorded in a shocking video that quickly went viral on social media.

After the event, the authorities arrived at the scene and proceeded to transfer the injured offender to a care center to receive medical attention. The victim, who stayed at the scene and waited for the arrival of the police, was taken to the Immediate Reaction Unit of the Prosecutor's Office to render her report on what happened.

This amazing act of courage has left the community shocked and has generated debates about security and the actions of people in the face of crime.