A commercial premises suffered two robberies in the same day
On video it was recorded how the thieves took several valuable objects and cash
A commercial establishment located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Barrancabermeja, Santander, has been the victim of robberies twice in the same day. Security cameras captured the moment the criminals entered the premises to commit the thefts.
The thieves took advantage of the tranquility of Sunday to carry out their misdeeds. In the morning, they took part of the loot and returned in the afternoon to continue the crime. In the security videos you can see how the criminals thoroughly search the desk drawers, the cash register and every corner of the place in search of money and valuables.
The victims have denounced that the total amount of what was stolen would amount to approximately 3 million pesos, in merchandise, cash, cell phones, tools and other valuable objects.
The commercial establishment is dedicated to the sale of clothing, industrial footwear, office products and toiletries, among others.
Given this situation, local authorities are working on the investigation of the robberies and it is expected that measures will be taken to strengthen security in the area. Likewise, a call is made to the community to be alert and report any suspicious activity to the competent authorities.