Judicial30 julio 2023 20:54

New case but in Valledupar: Assault victim runs over two criminals: one deceased and another captured

Just five days after a similar case in Cartagena, now in Valledupar another robbery victim takes justice into his own hands

In the Las Flores neighborhood in Valledupar, Cesar, a dramatic incident was recorded where two alleged robbers were captured by a citizen after trying to steal their belongings. The event occurred in the 19D race with 16th street, and was recorded in images that show the intensity of the confrontation.

According to local witnesses, the driver of a gray IUX 017 license plate van was the victim of a robbery perpetrated by two individuals on motorcycles. Determined not to be carried away by fear, the driver undertook a risky chase in his truck to find the criminals.

The chase reached its climax at the corner of 16th and 19D, where the pickup truck rammed the two suspected motorcycle robbers. One of the subjects managed to escape the scene, but the other was seriously injured on the platform. Next to him was a gray .38 caliber revolver.

In the video recorded at the scene, it is observed how the alleged injured robber fights for his life with his head bleeding, but unfortunately, at the end of the recording, he is shown without movement and without vital signs.

The community reacted strongly and detained the subject who managed to escape, making sure to hold him until the arrival of the authorities. The situation became chaotic, with four vehicles involved: the victim's truck, a Mazda car with BFG524 license plates, a taxi, and the motorcycle of the alleged robbers. All the vehicles suffered serious damage to their structure.

Additionally, a pole placed in the middle of the road was toppled and destroyed during the incident, creating traffic congestion in the right lane of 16th Street.

So far, the authorities have not issued an official statement on what happened. It is expected that a thorough investigation will be carried out to clarify the facts and determine the responsibilities. The situation has generated a debate in the community about justice into one's own hands and the need to strengthen citizen security to avoid this type of situation.