Young man dies after attack: possible link to attempted murder of his brother
A 20-year-old man died after being attacked by hitmen. Authorities are investigating a possible connection with his brother
A tragic event occurred in the Caldas neighborhood, in Floridablanca, when Juan Camilo Niño Soto, 20, was the victim of an attack perpetrated by hitmen. On the night of Friday, September 6, while he was on Carrera 34 A with Calle 108, two men on a motorcycle shot him in the back of the head. After being rushed to the Clínica Foscal, where he remained fighting for his life, he died on Sunday, September 8.
During the attack, a young woman identified as Brigitte Camila Giménez Mejía was also injured, receiving a shot in the left shoulder. Authorities responded to the emergency call from residents, who alerted the CAI of Niza of what happened.
Despite medical efforts, Juan Camilo Niño did not survive, due to the severity of his injuries and internal bleeding caused by the impact of the projectile.
According to police reports, Juan Camilo was the brother of Andrés Fabián Niño Soto, known as alias 'Chorizo' or 'Chori Caldas', who survived an attempted murder days before, last Tuesday, September 3, in Piedecuesta. In that event, 'Chorizo' was attacked when he was traveling in a car with a minor in the Matecaña sector, in the Nueva Colombia neighborhood.
Authorities do not rule out that the attack on Juan Camilo is related to the failed attack against his brother, generating concern in the community about the possible escalation of violence in the area.