Judicial10 octubre 2023 16:38

Young man brutally beat a driver who crashed into him in Cali

Concern is raised about intolerance in the streets and opinions are divided between those who are for and against the aggressor

A violent episode of road intolerance has shaken the city of Cali, generating concern and debates on social networks. The incident took place last Monday, October 9, in the Kachipay sector, in the south of the capital of Valle del Cauca, involving two drivers who carried out a violent beating after an apparent vehicular collision.

The incident began when a driver, wearing a pink t-shirt and driving a Chevrolet Beat, hit a Chevrolet Spark GT on Carrera 109 and Calle 60, in the Bochalema sector. What could have been resolved with an exchange of information and money to compensate for the damages, turned into a violent confrontation as both drivers argued.

Images captured by witnesses show the driver of the Spark, a young man in a white t-shirt, climbing on the hood of the Beat to prevent the vehicle from continuing. The driver of the Beat got out of his vehicle and lunged at the young man in a white T-shirt, who in turn responded with blows to the older driver's face.

Although it has been reported that the attacked driver is out of danger, he suffered serious injuries to his face due to the violence of the blows. The images of the incident are shocking and have generated mixed comments on social networks.

General Daniel Gualdrón Moreno, commander of the Cali Police, has confirmed that an "exhaustive investigation is being carried out to clarify the facts and bring the aggressor to justice." In addition, it has been noted that one of the drivers could be involved in an informal transportation service.

What has not yet been fully clarified is the context that led to the initial discussion. Some witnesses claim that the older driver's vehicle performed a dangerous maneuver before the crash, causing it to collide with the younger driver's vehicle, although this information has not yet been confirmed.

Furthermore, there have been mixed comments on social media, where some claim not to feel indignation over the incident, but rather satisfaction, arguing that the young driver was demanding responsibility from the other driver and that the latter intended to flee. Some people even claim that the young man's violent reaction was due to the older driver's alleged attempt to pull out a weapon, emphasizing that the latter maintained a challenging attitude despite the young man's attempts to mediate the situation. The ongoing investigation will seek to clarify all these details and determine the relevant responsibilities.

This incident reflects a broader problem of road intolerance in Cali and Colombia in general. General Gualdrón Moreno reported that during the current year more than 27,000 calls related to intolerance have been registered, and 190 of them have resulted in fatalities.