Judicial07 mayo 2023 19:20

Incredible! Not even being inside his car was he safe from crime

Criminals broke the windows of a car to steal the belongings of some passengers

Crime in Santa Marta has reached alarming levels, and thieves are now robbing the occupants of private vehicles.

Traffic lights and traffic jams are the preferred places to commit their crimes. In a video posted on social networks, it is shown how three thieves break the side windows of a private vehicle and steal the valuables of its occupants on Avenida del Libertador.

The incident took place on the morning of Sunday, May 7, and the thieves, after intimidating the passengers in the car, fled in an unknown direction.

The video has been turned over to authorities for investigation and to identify the alleged thieves. This incident is a wake-up call for authorities and citizens to take preventive measures and protect themselves against crime in the city.