Death of a medicine resident reveals cases of abuse at the Javeriana University
The tragic death of the resident at the Javeriana University reveals serious allegations of mistreatment in medical training
In a tragic event that has saddened the medical and academic community in Colombia, Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga, a surgical resident at the Javeriana University of Bogotá, decided to take her own life last Wednesday, July 17. The young woman left a farewell note that has sparked strong reactions on social networks, with sources close to the case confirming that the letter is authentic.
The case of Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga gained visibility when the National Association of Inmates and Residents (Anir) published a message on its X account insinuating that behind this tragedy there could be a possible case of “mistreatment.”
Although Catalina's farewell message does not directly mention abuse, her words have resonated deeply. The handwritten text reads: “To all residents, thank you. I take away many lessons from each one. I will always carry them in my heart. You can do it, cheer up”, and it is signed with his initials, CGZ. The words are not addressed to her family, but to her companions and colleagues, with whom she shared her last days.
Several local media have tried to contact the university to obtain an official statement, but have not received responses at the time of publication. However, a message of condolences was published on the social networks of the Faculty of Medicine for those close to Catalina Gutiérrez.
Anir also spoke out about the case, without directly blaming the Javeriana University, but opening the debate about the conditions in which medical residents find themselves in the country.
Anir has received complaints about “mistreatment during the undergraduate and graduate training process,” pointing out the lack of respect for work shifts and rest times. One specific complaint mentions work days from 5 in the morning until 8 or 9 at night, with no time for lunch.
Catalina's message has led other residents to break the silence and expose poor medical practices, such as the pressure exerted by some senior residents and faculty.
An anonymous source stated that the university is trying to hush up these issues due to the seriousness of the potential repercussions. He also shared open letters from other victims that circulate on social networks, testifying to more cases of abuse and workplace harassment.
Faced with the complaints and the death of Catalina Gutiérrez, Anir has requested a thorough investigation and has expressed its regret and solidarity with the family and colleagues of the young doctor. In a statement, they stressed the urgent need to address the conditions residents face during their training.
The Javeriana University, so far, has only issued a message of condolences through the social network X, honoring Catalina's memory.