Judicial02 abril 2023 21:05

In the Palogordo prison in Girón, an inmate stabs his partner in the neck in the middle of his visit

The woman underwent surgery and her health condition is reserved, the prisoner tried to commit suicide

A woman identified as Yenny Paola Correa Medina, was stabbed in the neck by her sentimental partner while she was visiting him in the Palogordo prison in Girón.

The attack occurred during the authorized visit over the weekend in courtyard eight of the detention center. According to the authorities, the prisoner, for reasons that are still being investigated, took out a handmade sharp weapon and stabbed his partner.

The prison guards intervened and transferred the victim to the Santander University Hospital, where she underwent surgery. She is currently in reserved condition.

After the attack, the assailant tried to kill himself with the same handmade knife, but the guards managed to stop him and took the object from him. The case is being investigated by the competent authorities.

It should be remembered that "Negro Ober" was in this same jail when he threatened the merchants in a video for the capture of his wife.