Judicial03 diciembre 2023 15:44

Two women victims of intolerance and violence in Charalá

The two male attackers were drunk and must respond to the victims' complaint

Charalá - Colombia. A chilling incident of aggression occurred last Sunday, November 26, in the Siberia neighborhood of the municipality of Charalá, Santander, where two women were brutally beaten by two drunken men. The unfortunate event, recorded in a video circulating on social networks, reveals a scene of intolerance and violence that has generated shock in the community.

According to the version of one of the attacked women, the dispute began when the two men, aboard a taxi, encountered a vehicle that was blocking their path on public roads. The situation worsened when the owner of the car was parking it.

"We were blocking the car and they started insulting us that we should run the car because we wouldn't let them pass, that they should remove that dirt," said the assault victim. The insults quickly escalated to violent acts, as seen in several videos recorded by a witness. In the images, the men insult, punch and kick the women, even when they were already on the ground.

The attacks, which lasted more than 20 minutes, were witnessed by some local residents, who tried to intervene to stop the attackers. "She is a woman, don't be cowards, don't hit her," is heard in the videos, while neighbors tried to stop the violence.

The case has been placed under investigation by the Santander Police and the local authorities of Charalá, with the aim of clarifying the facts and obtaining the version of those involved. It has been mentioned by relatives of the attackers that their reaction was due to the fact that one of the women had hit one of her children, although this version has not been confirmed.

The attacked women have filed a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office, seeking justice and demanding that the reasons behind this violent attack that has shocked the small municipality of Charalá be clarified.