Judicial20 agosto 2023 22:20

Brutal murder of a woman when she was about to open the door of her house in Valledupar

Yenis Ramírez Sandoval leaves behind three children who mourn the loss of her, the community cries out for justice!

The tranquility of Valledupar was shaken by a senseless act of violence that has left the community in dismay. Yenis Viviana Ramírez Sandoval, a 40-year-old woman, lost her life in tragic circumstances when she was returning to her home in the Ciudadela 450 años neighborhood, to the southwest of the city. The event occurred last Saturday night and has left a deep mark on the community.

The fateful night, around 10:30 p.m. m., Yenis Ramírez was returning home after her workday at a fried food sale in the 450 park. However, her arrival at home turned into a nightmare when two individuals on a motorcycle approached her while she was trying to open the gate of his residence. Without saying a word from her, they shot her in the face, causing a serious injury to her right cheek in the temporal maxillary area.

The violent attack left Yenis Ramírez seriously injured and her daughter was a horrified witness to the tragedy. The young woman desperately asked for help, and neighbors from the neighborhood quickly came to help the victim.

Using a motorcycle, they took her to the Erasmo Meoz Hospital in an attempt to save her life. However, despite medical efforts, she Yenis arrived at the health center with no vital signs.

Local authorities have launched a thorough investigation to determine the motives behind this appalling crime and to identify and arrest those responsible.

Yenis Ramírez Sandoval leaves behind three children who mourn the loss of her and a community that demands answers and justice amid shock and pain.